Harvest Jazz & Blues Festival – Our Caring Corporate Partner Award is awarded annually to a business that has made outstanding financial and/or in-kind, including volunteer, contributions to our organization. The recipient of the 2012-2013 award is Harvest Jazz & Blues Festival. Our partnership with the Festival began in 2011 when we me made a bold decision to move our signature event – Feast in the Field – to Officers’ Square. This new accessible venue is the perfect venue for this event. The key to our success in Officers’ Square has been the use of the big, beautiful white tent with the full support of the Harvest team. Not only has this in-kind contribution helped us deal with rain the last two years, but it has resulted in significant savings for our organization and had enabled us to channel the funds into important local services for persons with a mobility disability. Amy Theriault, General Manager of the Harvest Jazz & Blues Festival has assisted us with organizing all of the details of the Mojo Tent and has worked with us to make Feast in the Field in the downtown a reality. Operations Manager Scott Walters works with us to ensure full access to the tent, power and ongoing support and response time to any questions or challenges is always swift, effective and positive. Thank you Harvest Jazz & Blues Festival!