Caring Corporate Partner Award: The New Brunswick Union (NBU) and the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE)

Our Caring Corporate Partner Award is awarded annually to a business that has made outstanding financial and/or in-kind, including volunteer contributions to Ability New Brunswick over the last year. The recipient of our 2020-2021 award is the New Brunswick Union (NBU) and the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE).
The NBU and NUPGE have a long history in NB. The NBU is the largest union within the NB civil service and the NUPGE, taken together with its members, is one of the largest unions in Canada. They know what it is like to ensure equitable representation, to have fairness and respect in our workplaces, our governments, our communities and to celebrate diversity. When many donors and companies had to step back from giving during the pandemic, the NBU and the NUPGE stepped forward. Their $10,000 gift came at a time when we needed it most to ensure we could continue services to persons with a mobility disability during the pandemic. Thank you for being a caring corporate partner!