Ability NB was pleased to present the following Caring Community Partner Award in 2016:

Lise Légere-Gaudet and Maryse LeBlanc-Saulnier – It is our pleasure to recognize the recipients of our 2015-2016 Caring Community Partner Award, Lise Léger-Gaudet and Maryse LeBlanc-Saulnier, Social Workers with the Extra-Mural Program, Driscoll Unit in Moncton. These women exemplify the meaning of community collaboration and have worked hand-in-hand with Ability NB to help persons with a mobility disability in the Greater Moncton region to increase their mobility and independence. We know that when these two passionate advocates are involved that our service participants’ best interest will be taken at heart and that together we will achieve what we set out to do. Whether it be securing accessible and affordable housing for a senior or advocating for an exceptional case plan to help a family access the personalized supports needed, they understand the importance of person-centred planning and that we can work together seamlessly, with our strengths complementing each other, to help people reach their goals!