Ability NB was pleased to present the following Caring Community Partner Awards in 2012:

NB Department of Culture, Tourism & Healthy Living – Our Caring Community Partner Award is awarded annually to a person or organization that has made a significant contribution to Ability NB such as a commitment to service, in-kind or volunteer support, or a government program or policy development that has positively impacted persons with a mobility disability. The recipient of a 2011-2012 award is the Department of Culture, Tourism & Healthy Living. The Department has been a true community partner in the development of a Para NB – Sport & Recreation. New Brunswick currently has the most comprehensive disability platform and plan that has ever existed in NB and Minister Holder has ensured para sport and recreation is a priority. Director Roger Duval is a true connector and builder. Ability NB first sat down with Roger and his team in 2010 and just over two years later, several meetings and a Think Tank with community partners later, we have a vibrant, outcome focused para sport and recreation initiative in place with a clear vision and evaluation plan. Karolina Wasson has been an exceptional consultant – she is a true visionary, collaborator and communicator and was instrumental in the realization of Para NB. We were pleased to present this Caring Community Partner award to the Department of Culture, Tourism & Healthy Living.

Ability Transit – Our Caring Community Partner Award is awarded annually to a person or organization that has made a significant contribution to Ability NB such as a commitment to service, in-kind or volunteer support, or a government program or policy development that has positively impacted persons with a mobility disability. Ability Transit is true community partner. The team goes above and beyond to accommodate our (often last minute) travel requests to get clients to events such as our empowerment seminars or our local para sport and recreation events, and they always do so with good humour and friendliness. They are also a true leader in community transportation as they have extended their hours to seven days per week and six evenings per week to allow for increased transportation options and greater independence for individuals with a mobility disability. We were pleased to present this Caring Community Partner Award to Ability Transit.